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Ever seen something that looked impossible? In this science fair project, we’re going to investigate the physics of torque, balance, and the center of gravity using a “discrepant event”—something that ...

Design and conduct an experiment to determine whether there are gender differences when boys and girls view optical illusions?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of ...

The goals of this project are: To demystify the cause of the appearance of an “aura.” To encourage critical thinking.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this reso ...

Every day, the Sun rises in the east, rides across the sky, and sets in the west. Once upon a time, people thought gods like Apollo carried the Sun on a chariot. But as it turns out, the Sun doesn’t m ...

The human eye is comprised of two types of receptors: rods and cones. Cones allow us to see color and work well in bright light. Rods are used to see in low light. When a color wheel or optical illusi ...

The eye and brain are both easily fooled. There are many kinds of optical illusions. Some involve color and/or contrast. Others use perceived shapes. Still more require the image to move to create the ...

The lens of the eye bends light so that the light can enter the eye through the pupil. After entering the eye, light passes through the vitreous body – which most people think of as the eyeball. The r ...

Dive into the fascinating world of the nervous system! Explore its parts, functions, and connections with the body's senses and endocrine system. Discover the difference between reflex and volunta ...